
futility -V

What is resilience now? Is few million people going to work resilience? What does it say? What does it say about us? It sends out a message that we will not be cowed. We will not let you disrupt our lives. And well we might want to send out such a message.

But lives are disrupted. Lives are lost. And I cannot behave like it does not matter. I cannot convince myself that getting on with it would be as much from spirit as from being desensitised. And I know, like so much else here, there is no black and white here. So if I was in Mumbai right now I would not hole myself up at home from fear or anger. I would be out, probably, searching for normalcy, for joi de vivre, for signs of the goodness of people, of life itself. But I would hope that we don't bask in the 'spirit' so much that all this is merely another chapter in India's ability to bounce back.

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