
Land ahoy!

"Fear not, me hearties, I am back!"
Warily he yelled, and wearily, for he was unsure if the teeming masses were clamouring for more-but more of what? Or were they merely an illusion, a figment, as it were, of his oddly stifling imagination? And he was weary from his piracy class today-mildly taxing, and the swim back to the mothership was more so. Wait- was it his ship or the mothership? Cutlass or light saber? Piracy or creativity? Skill or the force?

"Ramu, bartan dho do!"
Crash. Oh, his imagination was playing up again.

Hello then. Greetings and all that.
We learnt today about (or we were told about), the
power of 10 -adapted, conceptually, to our work. We learnt about colours and animals. We realised that Lost is a big new (how new?) hit show in the States. We nodded ponderously, or pondered noddingly, whether end credits in television shows were at all relevant. Also, did it matter if we heard, say (hypothetically)- "this blog is brought to you by CrimeMaster Gogo-Aankhen nikaal ke gotiyan khelunga" ? We were also informed too, that while 30=1, 20 could equal 0.85 and 15 could be 0.75.

And then we thought "Sheesh, this cappucino is good"

Crime Master Gogo 1 // Crime Master Gogo 2 //

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